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Implementing the IGroupAdapter Interface

The Group adapter can be used to manage grouping and document printing for multiple related shipments

Interface Members

Click here for a list of all members of the IGroupAdapter interface

Sample Implementation of IGroupAdapter


Note Note

All Adapters must have this configuration interface implemented in order for the adapter to function. See IAdapterConfigurationProvider for a sample implementation of IAdapterConfigurationProvider.


Below is a partial sample of an implementation of IGroupAdapter with examples of CreateGroup, OpenGroup, GetGroups, and several other methods.

public CloseGroupResponse CloseGroup(string carrier, string groupingSymbol, string groupId)
    CloseGroupResponse result = new CloseGroupResponse();
    //serialize request
    XElement xdoc = new XElement("modifyGroupRequest", new XElement("provider", Provider.ShipCo));
    xdoc.Add(new XElement("carrier", carrier));
    xdoc.Add(new XElement("groupingSymbol", groupingSymbol));
    xdoc.Add(new XElement("groupId", groupId));

    xdoc.Add(renameRootNode(serializeObject(new PackageRequest()),"fieldData"));

    string modifyGroupRequest = xdoc.ToString();

    CmsConnectorShip client = new CmsConnectorShip(_shipUri);

        string response = client.ModifyGroup(modifyGroupRequest);
        result = (CloseGroupResponse)GetResponse(response, typeof(CloseGroupResponse));

        //update database

    catch (Exception ex)
        result.error_message = ex.Message;
        result.error_code = 1001;
    finally { client.Dispose();}
    return result;

public Group CreateGroup(string carrier, string groupingSymbol, PackageRequest pkgReq)
    var group = new Group();

    string consolidationCarrier = "SCX";

    switch (groupingSymbol)
        case "IPD":
            consolidationCarrier = "SCE";
        case "IGD":
        case "IGDD":
            consolidationCarrier = "SCG";
        case "TD":
            consolidationCarrier = "SCT";

    pkgReq.consolidation_carrier = consolidationCarrier;

    //serialize request
    var xdoc = new XElement("createGroupRequest", new XElement("provider", Provider.ShipCo));
    xdoc.Add(new XElement("carrier", carrier));
    xdoc.Add(new XElement("groupingSymbol", groupingSymbol));
    xdoc.Add(renameRootNode(serializeObject(pkgReq), "field_data"));
    string createGroupRequest = xdoc.ToString(); 

    CmsConnectorShip client = new CmsConnectorShip(_shipUri);
        //open group in ShipCo
        string response = client.CreateGroup(createGroupRequest);
        Group groupResponse = (Group)GetResponse(response, typeof(Group));

        if (groupResponse.error_code == 0)

            group.date_opened = new SoxDate();
            pkgReq.consolidation_type = groupingSymbol;
            group.field_data = pkgReq;
            group.friendly_name = pkgReq.consolidation_code;
            //status, 1 = open, 2 = closed, 4 = closedandlocked
            group.status = 1;
            group.symbol = groupingSymbol;

            //open group in database
            _groupingHelper.CreateGroup(carrier, ref group);
            group.error_code = groupResponse.error_code;
            group.error_message = groupResponse.error_message;
    catch (Exception ex)
        group.error_code = 1001;
        group.error_message = ex.Message;
    finally { client.Dispose();}

    return group;

public bool ModifyGroup(string carrier, string groupingSymbol, string groupId, PackageRequest pkgReq)
    bool result = true;

    //serialize request
    XElement xdoc = new XElement("modifyGroupRequest", new XElement("provider", Provider.ShipCo));
    xdoc.Add(new XElement("carrier", carrier));
    xdoc.Add(new XElement("groupingSymbol", groupingSymbol));
    xdoc.Add(new XElement("groupId", groupId));
    xdoc.Add(renameRootNode(serializeObject(pkgReq), "fieldData"));

    string modifyGroupRequest = xdoc.ToString();

    CmsConnectorShip client = new CmsConnectorShip(_shipUri);

        //modify ShipCo
        string response = client.ModifyGroup(modifyGroupRequest);
        Group groupResponse = (Group)GetResponse(response, typeof(Group));

        //update database

    catch (Exception)
        result = false;
    finally { client.Dispose();}
    return result;

public Group GetGroup(string carrier, string groupingSymbol, string groupId)
    int groupID = _groupingHelper.GetGroupId(carrier,groupId);
    Group group = null;

    group = _groupingHelper.GetGroup(carrier, groupID);

    catch (Exception)
        group = null;

    return group;

public List<SoxGroupingType> GetGroupingTypes()
    List<SoxGroupingType> result = new List<SoxGroupingType>();

    result.Add(new SoxGroupingType() { Carrier = "PSI_CMS.ShipCo", Symbol = "IPD", FriendlyName = "ShipCo International Priority Direct Distribution", GroupIDField = "CONSOLIDATION_ID" });
    result.Add(new SoxGroupingType() { Carrier = "PSI_CMS.ShipCo", Symbol = "TD", FriendlyName = "ShipCo Transborder Distribution", GroupIDField = "CONSOLIDATION_ID" });
    result.Add(new SoxGroupingType() { Carrier = "PSI_CMS.ShipCo", Symbol = "IGD", FriendlyName = "ShipCo International Ground Distribution", GroupIDField = "CONSOLIDATION_ID" });
    result.Add(new SoxGroupingType() { Carrier = "PSI_CMS.ShipCo", Symbol = "IGDD", FriendlyName = "ShipCo International Ground Direct Distribution", GroupIDField = "CONSOLIDATION_ID" });

    return result;

public List<Sox.Grouping> GetGroupings(string carrier)
    List<Sox.Grouping> result = new List<Sox.Grouping>();

    result.Add(new Sox.Grouping() {  symbol = "IPD", name = "ShipCo International Priority Direct Distribution", group_id_field = "CONSOLIDATION_ID" });
    result.Add(new Sox.Grouping() {  symbol = "TD", name = "ShipCo Transborder Distribution", group_id_field = "CONSOLIDATION_ID" });
    result.Add(new Sox.Grouping() {  symbol = "IGD", name = "ShipCo International Ground Distribution", group_id_field = "CONSOLIDATION_ID" });
    result.Add(new Sox.Grouping() {  symbol = "IGDD", name = "ShipCo International Ground Direct Distribution", group_id_field = "CONSOLIDATION_ID" });

    return result;

public List<Group> GetGroups(string carrier, string groupingSymbol, int statusFlag)
    //This is a list of groups, open, closed, closedandlocked
    //pull from database
    List<Group> groups = _groupingHelper.GetGroups(carrier, groupingSymbol, statusFlag);
    return groups;

public bool OpenGroup(string carrier, string groupingSymbol, string groupId)
    bool result = true;

    //serialize request
    XElement xdoc = new XElement("createGroupRequest", new XElement("provider", Provider.ShipCo));
    xdoc.Add(new XElement("carrier", carrier));
    xdoc.Add(new XElement("groupingSymbol", groupingSymbol));
    xdoc.Add(new XElement("groupId", groupId));
    xdoc.Add(renameRootNode(serializeObject(new PackageRequest()), "fieldData"));

    string modifyGroupRequest = xdoc.ToString();

    CmsConnectorShip client = new CmsConnectorShip(_shipUri);


        string response = client.ModifyGroup(modifyGroupRequest);
        Group groupResponse = (Group)GetResponse(response, typeof(Group));


    catch (Exception)
        result = false;
    finally { client.Dispose(); }
    return result;