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BatchStatus Enumeration

Batch Status Enumeration

Namespace:  PSI.Sox
Assembly:  PSI.Sox (in PSI.Sox.dll) Version: 2.1
public enum BatchStatus
  Member nameValueDescription
Staged0 Indicates that the batch has been staged.
StageError1 Indicates that an error occured while staging the batch.
Shipping2 Indicates that the batch is shipping.
Shipped3 Indicate that the batch has been shipped.
ShipError4 Indicates that an error occured while shipping the batch.
Printing5 Indicates that the batch is printing.
Printed6 Indicates that the batch has been printed.
PrintError7 Indicates that an error occured while printing the batch.
Voiding8 Indicates that the batch is voiding.
Voided9 Indicates that the batch has been voided.
VoidError10 Indicates that an error occured while voiding the batch.
See Also