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Overview of ShipExec Adapters

This Section provides an overview of the various adapter interfaces available for use when integrating new functionality into the application.

What Is An Adapter?

The ShipExec Suite Includes a set of interfaces that enable seamless integration of external applications and services into the ShipExec application. Developers are able to create their own custom adapter by implementing the required methods for the configuration and usage of the adapter. These requirements are covered in the section Implementing Adapter Interfaces

Adapter Architecture

IAdapter Interface

All of the available interfaces inherit from IAdapter. Each interface allows for integration to the individual adapters specific functionality.

Adapter Diagram

IAdapterConfigurationProvider Interface

The configuration of a custom adapter is handled by the IAdapterConfigurationProvider Interface. Each adapter has a set of data elements and configuration values that are required in order for the adapter to function. Elements such as service URIs, User credentials, shipper mappings, and ad-hoc collections of values can be established in the configuration interface for use in the adapter.

Adapter Config Diagram